Are you considering upgrading your dock and deck to solar powered lighting?
To get to your answer, you first need to understand what is solar lighting and how does it work?
Lake Lite's and Ultra Bright Tech's solar powered lights are sturdy, durable and can withstand different water enviroments, some are both fresh water and salt water rated, some just fresh water rated, as well as temperatures. We do suggest winter storage and maintenance to prolong the life of Lake Lite and Ultra Bright Tech's solar lighting units depending on where you are located, and how the solar radiation levels are impacted by your location's weather conditions and current seasons. If the solar powered lights are staying debris free and able to get enough sun to recharge the battery, keeping them out in the winter doesn't hurt the actual solar light itself, it can be harsh on the batteries, but overall, they can and do function year-round. Regular cleaning is required to ensure excess dirt and debris that has built up on the surface of the solar panel is removed, allowing for a constant and steady absorption of the solar energy being collected from the sun.
Now that you know and understand what is solar lighting, how it works, and how to maintain solar-powered lighting, it's time to look into the overall cost and investment to make the upgrade come to fruition. Upgrading to solar-powered lighting can be a higher cost in the beginning for the actual solar-powered lighting, but the installation is little, to no cost compared to installing wired lighting. Check out some of our installation videos and see the complete process completed in juust minutes!
The overall savings and reduction of your carbon footprint pays off within the first 1-2 years of switching/upgrading to outdoor solar-powered lighting. It's time to cut the cords and reduce your carbon footprint. The long-term efficient savings and freedom of no power/electric bill, upgrading to solar lighting creates a beautiful ambience, all while getting to kick back, relax, and enjoy the evening!
Lake Lite and Ultra Bright Tech offer all your outdoor solar-powered lighting solutions and rechargeable and removeable batteries that you could need that include 1-year warranties and outstanding customer service and support. Products offered vary from solar lighting for decks, docks, dock posts, fence posts, garden lighting and light posts, as well as boat lighting and street, flood lights and many more solar-powered lighting and solar panel options.
Lake Lite's Solar Dock Dots
Lake Lite's Solar Deck Light
Lake Lite's Solar Dock Posts
Ultra Bright Tech's Solar Post Caps